Some of us have children or know of children who have to use the school bus. The fact that a 7 year old girl was getting sexually assaulted for 2 years on a school bus and the bus drives said he knew nothing about it is a travesty. Having a disabled child who rides the bus, this story really touched my heart.
I found the story on myspace from the older sister of the little girl.
Here is the story.
Below is a letter from her sister to anyone who can help.
My adopted little sister experienced something horrible a couple of years back on a school bus. She was repeatedly raped by an older student, he was 16, she was 7. Our case has now just went public since we have fought for years in silence. I need calls, letters, emails and your prayers, for justice concerning a little girl named Sha'praise Wade B.K.A "Nee Nee".
My mother conducted an interview with Fox News concerning my adopted little sister pending case, last week. I truly believe God is just and fair and the emotional and psychological trauma that she has experienced will be vindicated.
We will be traveling to Columbus in the next few weeks to request a law to protect ALL children on school buses not only in OHIO but throughout the Nation.
Please forward this to anyone you know that won't mind praying for a family in need. We also need you to write the powers that be to help us win this case against the Jackson City School Dist.
Here is her Website if you would like to help. We need to get the media involved
Veda's Website
Sheesh.... and it's so hard to believe that the law prevents a lawsuit in this case.
This is horrible! The world seems to be getting worse and worse! I can't believe the driver never noticed a thing. Makes me wonder if he was just scared to step in. Kids these days can be rather violent.
Suburbian Queen
Milkster, it has been long time observed that the law needs to be revised in so many states.
Jamie, yes it is horrible. I can see him being scared to step in or say anything but isn't that why you are in "control" of the bus. To control the behaviour of the students?
If the child was deemed violent (which he was) then they needed to have kept him away from the public school transportation system.
I am outraged...I also posted a blog on myspace about at the comments here and I also posted this on my blogspot as well!!! thanks for posting...I think all bloggers should re-post this, until justice and whats rights is done!
I get very teary eyed when i hear this on the radio or on the computer. It is a shame that when our children go to school we now have to worry - will our children be safe on the school bus? WHEN MY CHILD STEP FOOT ON SCHOOL SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION,SCHOOL PROPERTY, CLASSROOM, ECT. THAT SCHOOL IS RESPONSIBLE.SO THAT SCHOOL DIST NEED TO BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES
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