Monday, January 14, 2008

New York Sex Tape

Okay, why New York (Tiffany Pollard) is so stupid? I guess this was her "cameo" appearance before her other "cameo" in First Sunday. I looked at the video, click here and it sure looked like her. MediaTakeOut.Com, sure has some willing viewers of their site to help them out. They seem to be always sending them stuff all the time.
Well, I guess this is one way making it to the top (tongue in cheek). Hmmm...that "SHO NUFF" don't look like Tailor Made to me though.

George Weisberger, aka "Tailor Made" must be feel like the stupidest man on earth. Although some men love their woman to dominate them. I kinda like a man that can stand up for for me. I'm just saying.

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