Monday, July 14, 2008

Bobby Seale:-The 10 point plan for the Black Man

Robert George Seale was born on October 22, 1936 in Dallas, Texas where, from the age of six, he was raised by his father to be a carpenter-builder and a hunter-fisherman. During WWII, the family migrated to Northern California where Bobby graduated from Berkeley High with plans of becoming an architect.

Bobby Seale

The next year, while working the night shift, full-time in the aerospace industry, Bobby attended Merritt College as an Engineering Design major. It was during this period of his life that he would meet Huey Newton and develop a passion for grassroots organizing and progressive politics.

The two of them decided to create a grass roots community-based organization. On October 15, 1966, they founded the Black Panthers, outlining the new political party's 10-Point Platform, and naming Bobby its Chairman, and Huey its Minister of Defense, after flipping a coin.

Below was a poignant speech in Black American History.

What is sad is why are some of these "same" conditions happening today?

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