Friday, May 29, 2009

Thank You

Thank You for all the warm thoughts and well wishes during my recent hospitalization. I couldn't get online as much as I liked but due to my current medical condition I am not able to sit up too long. I love blogging, but I will have to soon make a choice between blogging and my health.

I am thinking of getting rid of some of my blogs. I started this blog as a way of therapy to help with my divorce and pretty soon it became a staple in my life. I want to take the time to thank so many people who have traversed this way.

Your love and support have gotten me through many things.

So I just wanted to take time out to say "THANK YOU" so much for all the love..


MrsGrapevine said...

I feel bad I haven't stopped by sooner, I hope you are recovering well.

SjP said...

Same here...hope all is well and you are on the road to recovery.

Unknown said...

You know you are always in my prayers...

iriegal said...

Mrs G, SJP and Regina....thank you so much.

It has been a HARD fight, but I know I have the best in my corner.


Hagar's Daughter said...

I didn't know you were hospitalized. You are in my prayers as I pray that you are healing. Take care.

I am still so appreciative of the warm words you shared on my behalf.

One Love from the One Who Is Love