Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hawthrone-Jada Pinkett Smith

I don't get much chance to watch televison, however I was curious about the new show "Hawthrone," which stars Jada Pinkett Smith. I tuned in last night and was pleasantly surprised. Well, not really, because since I saw her in Set It Off, I have loved her acting abilities.

In the pilot, her husband died (about a year ago). We're not sure why just yet but that Christina may have been indirectly involved. She has a teen daughter, which is drama in itself, a self absorbed mother-in-law, and a host of co-stars which make up the staff of the hospital.

I was thinking another ER, but it really wasn't. It has the same format, but Hawthrone talks about the best people in any hospital (the nurses). I find the nurses know more then the doctors in some cases. I think I just found a new show to watch.

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