Friday, September 04, 2009

Texas Exonorees Getting Wealty

Well, it is about time the state of Texas (known more for its executions, then the Alamo) is doing right by these folks. Exonerees will get $80,000 for each year they spent behind bars. The compensation also includes lifetime annuity payments that for most of the wrongly convicted are worth between $40,000 and $50,000 a year — making it by far the nation's most generous package.

Most of the exonerees were black males, who were recipients of the "Jim Crow," laws. Laws which were disabled years ago, but which "closet" politicians, and members of the Judicial System for the State of Texas seemed to still want to uphold. Due to the current DNA testing many of these men now have the chance to prove their innocence.

Two who served about 26 years in prison for rape will receive
lump sums of about $2 million apiece. Another, Steven Phillips, who spent about 24 years in prison for sexual assault and burglary, will get about $1.9 million.

Source: Yahoo News

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