Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fedeal Probe is not stopping this guy from running for office


 It  seems Mayor Willie Herenton from Memphis doesn't seem to remember he is currently the target of a federal criminal probe. He is still on that campaign trail.   Herenton is running for the 9th Congressional District seat held by fellow Democrat Steve Cohen.

Sidney Chism, a longtime friend and his congressional campaign manager, told The Associated Press that Herenton called the probe "a lot of bogus accusations." Chism said Herenton was not immediately available to comment.
Herenton is running for the 9th Congressional District seat held by fellow Democrat Steve Cohen. Herenton, who served 18 years as the city's first black mayor before his resignation in June, acknowledged that the investigation involves "a local Greyhound bus line property."

Source: Associated Press

1 comment:

MrsGrapevine said...

I think now-a-days, "federal probe" is just key world for free publicity, and an excuse to play the victim card...I wish these people would let their ego settle, and move out the way until they get their house clean.