Ms Grapevine and Marvalus One this week added a Theme, Artist, Era, or Genre. The Old School Friday theme for this week is wedding songs: songs you got married to or songs you would like played at your wedding. Please join in and post your favorite wedding song or just visit the other participants and enjoy the music!!
My Picks for this week are:
I would of loved this to be my wedding song. It is so beautiful
I just love the Bee Gees
This was "the Man" back in the Day
Here are the other "Old School Friday" participants:
- Electronic Village - Chatting Over Cocktails -
- Ms Grapevine -Quick -Marcus LANGFORD
- Cassandra - Danielle -Lisa C
-Chocl8t - DP - Kreative Talk
-MarvalusOne - Regina - LaShonda
-AJ - Sharon - Invisible Woman
-Rosemarie - Dee - SJP - sHaE-sHaE
*Screaming Jodeci* I was wonder when they were going to show up in the OSF. Now this takes me back to my day, I watched this video on Youtube last night when trying to find a song.
BeeGees are great. I can't tell you my favorite song because i have to use it one day. I didn't realize how many hits they had. This is one of my favs by them, but not my fav.
I couldn't recognize the perm, I knew it wasn't James Brown. It's Percy. There is so many versions of this song, I like the original best.
Agreeing with Mrs. G...
::screaming "Jodeci"::
That Jodeci joint is the ONE!!!
Dee - I'm compiling an e-mail list of all OSF participants (easier way to get the word out about the OSF theme)...
Will you please send me an e-mail @ so I can record your e-mail address?
Thanks! of my faves 90s groups. What happened?! Also one of my fave songs. TBoz made a beautiful bride in the vid. Weren't her and Mr. Dalvin dating at that time? I think so with the way she kissed him! Ha!
Good ole Percy...when a man loves a woman indeed.
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